Monday, November 10, 2014

Brainstorming topics, Essay 3, From Mike Lohre

Please post your 3 good topic ideas for Essay 3 here in the Comments section, and tell us which of the three you are leaning toward doing or most excited about right now.



  1. I'm learning toward doing a review of one of those really bad science fiction films from the 1950s and 1960s that were everywhere. I really enjoy the films that are hilariously cheap and poorly made with errors and plot holes.I'm pretty excited about the prospect of finding a really bad one to write my review about. I'm also thinking fairly seriously doing an argument either for or against something like violence in media or perhaps narrow it down to video games or violence outside of sports. Lastly I'm mildly interested in manifesto for mad science.

  2. One idea that I am considering is to write an argument paper about building your own computer. This is because I have built my own computer and can provide a good evidence about why it is better then buying one. I am also considering writing a review about the Wii U. I have a Wii U and can explain why it is a good console to own go in depth about the features that it provides. The last idea that I am considering to write about is a paper about 3d printers but I am unsure of what would be the best type of paper to write this for.

  3. The first idea is to write a letter to a friend and her mom, two extraordinary women who have an unbreakable mother and daughter bond. Also talk about my friends mothers journey through cancer and how she continues to fight today. Another idea is to write an argument on whether or not it is right for stores to open Thanksgiving night for early Black Friday shoppers. My last pick would be a letter to my wonderful step-mom, Amy. She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer this past summer and write to her how she has made such an impact in my life seeing how much faith and determination she has had throughout her fight with this diagnosis.

  4. The three ideas I have for this essay include a letter to my brother. A review of either The Godfather or Mass Effect. Or an argument for or against android phones. I feel that I really should send my brother a letter for his service and to tell him how things are going. The reviews because I enjoy both of them and would be willing to do a neutral review on them. The argument because I would like to know which has the actual advantage, android or apple phones.

  5. The first idea that I am leaning towards the most would be to do a persuasive essay on legalizing marijuana both for medical and recreational use. I'm most excited about this or leaning towards this the most because it is something i believe in strongly and am passionate about. My second option or choice was to write a letter to somebody i have never met but might be in need of a letter or some attention. Such as an older person or maybe someone who is sick. And my third option is to write a review of one of my favorite movies that has come out recently.

  6. My first choice would be to do a review of The Great Gatsby. I have read the book and now seen the movie. I think it would be a great way to express my view of the book vs. movie. Another idea I had would be to write a letter to my friend that had a baby our senior year. It is sad because we used to be so close and now we have grown apart. My final idea would be to do a argumentative essay for children in IEP programs throughout their school career being cut off once they reach college vs. getting the help that they deserve.

  7. My three idea.s for essay 3 are, one write a review on Jonsered Chainsaws, two write an argument paper against gun control, and three write a profile on my grandpa. I'm leaning more towards writing a review on Jonsered Chainsaws. I recently purchased a $400 Jonsered 2255 chainsaw, which as 56cc and a 20 inch bar. I had a Husqvarna 445 which was a $300 saw until about 6 weeks ago someone broke into my tool box and stole it, I love the Jonsered a lot more, it eats through wood and can fell and cut a large tree in no time.

  8. I'm not 100% sure on any of these ideas I'm not to creative so I was thinking about maybe an argument or review on the new generation consoles being they all have their pros and cons and it would be easy to argue any direction another would be a review on the book I wear the black hat it's a book about being a villain and what it means and how society tags villans and such it is a very interesting book and lastly maybe do a narrative about a vacation where I figured out the woman I am engaged to now was the one for me when we were dating.

  9. For essay 3 options, I am thinking about ting something new. I enjoy arguments, and therefore, may lean towards talking about one of those. A popular topic might be immigration. However, back when we were discussing the Things They Carried, I began to consider the My Lai Massacre. My group in class in Professor Lohre talked about this a lot, and I think there is defiantly controversy to look at and talk about. My final idea is to do a review. I want to go see the movie the Giver, and I have also read the book, so I think correlating them and discussing how one brings out different or similar points as the other would be interesting.

  10. One of my ideas is an argument for gay rights, a letter to my niece whom I have not seen in a long time and we used to be so close, and my last idea was another argument about the death penalty.

  11. Although I'm not entirely sure which option I am interested in working on because I'm not great at writing any of the above options, I have constructed a few ideas. My first idea is doing a review on either a new movie that is coming to/in theaters and give the best unbiased review that I can. Another Review that might work is about the new game that Disney has released called Disney Infinity 2.0. Although it is a game that mostly younger kids will play, the figurines of marvel figures are attracting a wider audience. The second idea that I have is to write a second letter. I enjoyed writing a letter to my grandma and I feel that I have several other letters that are well overdue. My third idea is an argument about how Esports should be considered as much of a sport as traditional ones.

  12. Essay Three Brainstorming:
    The first idea I had for essay three was to write either a review or an analysis of one of my favorite novels 1984 by George Orwell. For my second essay three option I could write a lengthy letter to my younger sister, or I could write a letter in response to an article. Lastly, as a third option I could write a research paper arguing for a specific topic such as why fracking is detrimental to the environment.

  13. My first idea: A persuasive essay discussing the strength of words. Specifically, cuss words in modern music. I would discuss how powerful or powerless they have become through time, also how I think they would change.

    Second idea: Write a fictional narrative that I would try to make as real as possible. Not knowing what the setting or the plot would be for that short story, but basically to write a fictional narrative that would seem real.

    Third idea: This would be a paper describing one of my role models who inspired me to decide what I would want to do later in life. It would be a paper about a man named, Monty Oum who is a pretty well known animator who basically shown me the awesome things that you can do and create as an animator.

  14. First: I want to do an argument on animal cruelty/testing because a lot of people do not know what is considered animal cruelty and how some companies test on animals.

    Second: Review on Hunger Games:Catching Fire. I have read the book and saw the movie so I think I may use those two to show the change from a book to a movie and how somethings are exactly what people see in their minds

    Third: A letter to my niece that was young when my family lost my dad. I do not talk to her much anymore and they live in Utah so I never get to see them so a letter to her I feel would make her feel much better about any problems she is feeling while dealing with the lose of her grandfather.

  15. My first idea for essay three is to write a review on a 2012 crf250 race bike which i have owned since 2011. My second idea for essay three would be an argument paper on gun control and why it has got out of hand, and why people think owning a gun is unsafe when in reality it isnt. My third idea for essay three is to write an argument about why motocross is harder than most other sports in the world.


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